Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

Here's the Easter dress and then another picture with Grandma Mary Ann. We went to church first and Valerie fell asleep on Paul for about 20 minutes and then we went to Milwaukee for Easter brunch. It was so nice to see Rob & Mel and Betty. Valerie didn't do too well in the afternoon nap department which was a bit tough on this first time Mom. She's turning into a shy girl at first in new situations... I wonder if this is a phase thing??

Easter egg coloring time

We thought we'd color a few eggs for Easter and Valerie wanted to eat the pretty eggs. She's doing this very happy, full face smile now. She started it with the crazy cats, now she pretty much does it for everyone.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finally! New stuff... sort of.

Here they are in their Wisconsin attire! Dad is now a student and he won a bet with Ken (a Michigan grad), so instead of wearing a Univ of Michigan onesie (OUCH!) she is wearing her Wisconsin gear -phew!
Not too much new and exciting around these parts. My Mom is still here from Michigan. It is such an enormous help to have her here, I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves.
It looks like Spring *might* be around the corner. You don't want to say those things too loudly here in the snowy tundra of Madison, Wisconsin as you might jinx things. It has been the snowiest winter I ever can remember. I am sure there were some as a kid, but it's been tough with the new baby to get out when it's nineteen below with forty below windchills!
I promise to be better about my updates here! Stand by for more news and pictures!