This is an old ultrasound picture, from when she was 12 weeks, I think. I just love the legs and feet in this photo! I couldn't get the current 32 week picture to post here. Anyway, I did have an ultrasound at 32 weeks - they got a good shot to really determine the sex - still definitely a girl. We're still having a tough time with her name! You will all be surprised very soon... as I think that she may be early now - she was 3 lbs & 10 oz. last Wed. She's going to be a BIG baby. The Dr. was happy as the placenta has moved up so no problems for delivery. Oh, and the Xray tech mentioned that she had a lot of hair on her head. We found that it was more difficult to see things at 32 weeks as she's so big now.
My ankles are swollen and my rings no longer fit, but I have really been enjoying this entire pregnancy thing. It's great to feel her moving around - now it's mostly huge kicks on the right side. I wonder why? It's a miracle that there's a tiny person in there. Her room is mostly done, just a few more "buggy parts" that we need. (Check the Erdtmann family dictionary for definition of that word...)
1 comment:
What a unique untrasound pix...looks like some good running legs;)
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